Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Balance between professionalism and family

A balance between professional and family is to be maintained in every individual’s life. If one is given priority over the other, it will lead to a complete discordance in one’s life. Profession gives an individual identity and financial security while on the other hand family gives you happiness and it’s something that you look forward to after a hard day’s work. However, some people give preference to professional life over family. Doing thus causes chaos and their peacefulness is disrupted. 

Telling one to maintain a balance between the two is very easy to say but hard to follow in practical life. In today’s hitech busy life, one does not find time to spend with family. As a result, we’ve seen a number of family counselling centres coming up in the city. Nowadays, people are more inclined towards their profession rather than spending quality time with family. Families lose peace of mind because of this. And we’ve seen a lot of divorce cases as a result. To avoid this, there must be support from one’s family. If they have that, a person can easily relax and concentrate on his/her work. At the same time, one must also plan their work accordingly so that they find time to spend affectively with their family. Profession and family are like two eyes of a man. One can’t bear if either one is lost. Hence, even though it’s difficult, it is not impossible to maintain a balance between these two. If you want to have peace of mind, give importance to both.

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